"Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan. There is no other route to success."

#116 Turning your “crossroad” into purpose

Did you know that there are less than 100 days (97 to be exact) left in 2022?


The question is, how are you going to make these next 97 days count?


I talk a lot about “the plan” and how to create a system around your daily, weekly, and monthly habits so that you can create a work-life balance. That, in my opinion, is the first place to start so that you can reach your dreams, hopes, wishes, and wants. But, I am not going to talk about that today.


 What I really want to share with you is how so many women like you are starting businesses later in life. A.K.A. finding their purpose. 


I actually hate speaking to “finding your purpose” because it has become so generic. 


But the truth is, all the conversations I have, circle back to this. Just the other day I was taking a long beach walk with a friend (who has had a long and stellar career in advertising) and she’s just not feeling it anymore. Thus she’s...

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#114 The number one reason why most people fail

Are you ready to hear why most people give up on their aspirations?


What I have learned over the past 2 decades guiding people (and this is just my perspective), is that people lose interest because they don’t know to transform their dream into action.


They also struggle with; 


imposter syndrome 

not having the support system to encourage growth

not knowing how to break down the big goal into the tiny details

Maybe you feel you are too old or missed the window of opportunity or that no one will take you seriously. 


To be totally honest here, I know what loss of identity feels like, firsthand. When I made a choice to pivot from my highly successful role as CEO and founder of my 7-figure, global lifestyle brand “take a break,” I felt paralyzed.


I spent way too many years in “the ole” (as I like to call it) and it took a cancer diagnosis to wake me the F up! 


You don’t need a traumatic...

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#113 - Why Systems are key to your growth

In my opinion, working for yourself is way harder than working for someone else. 


Yes, there are always tradeoffs. And I am not going to lie, there are days when I fantasize about being given a checklist of things to do knowing that I get to put it all behind me when I clock out at 5 pm. 


But that’s not the choice neither you nor I have made.


You most likely made this choice because

take your kids to soccer practice

work, unshowered, in your sweats

control your own schedule (even if it’s 24/7 right now)

you’re an artist and creative and you want to do what you love

 build something fabulous - even when it feels exhausting


Over the past 3 decades as a serial entrepreneur, I have learned a thing or two and it really wasn’t until the last 5 years that I figured a few key things out. 


Without a viable plan and the strategy to execute that plan, you’ll go nowhere. You will ultimately go somewhere,...

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#111 60K thoughts per day!

According to the National Science Foundation, on average, most of us have around 12k - 60k thoughts per day. 

That’s a lot of thoughts. And did you also know that of those thoughts, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive?


It’s no wonder why some days can be challenging to power through when over 80% of your brain tells you you are not enough. It’s no accident that feeling lonely, tired, helpless, or uninspired creeps into your head space. 


Learning to reframe that narrative is something I have spent a lot of time working on. And there are days when I am not super successful. Recently a client reached out to me when she was experiencing this and she said, “I am unmotivated, exhausted, and questioning my purpose.” 


My response to her was, “you’re human, not a machine. Lean into that, but don’t stay there too long.”


As a solopreneur and business builder, you forget that. Most days, you are...

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#110 Side hustles - Yay or Nay?

I am sure you have seen the increase in the price of milk, gas, and pretty much everything in between. And if you are a bit like me and look at your online portfolio with one eye open, you are not alone. 


I also know you are an intelligent human and because of that, intuitively, you know that everything is cyclical. Your portfolio will go back up, you will find a new strategy in how you cook and buy your groceries.  You may even organize your errands and driving to help make your gas tank last a little bit longer.


Just the other day a new client asked me to help her get creative on how to offset some of these price increases. Although she has her bottom line covered, she wanted my help in finding creative ways to develop possible side hustles without creating anything new. 


Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans are planning on starting a side hustle this year? 


That is on top of the 40% of Americans who already have a little...

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#109 How To Grow Your Sphere Of Influence

Have you been stuck in a bubble?

I know the answer to that. Covid, quarantine, the political climate, and now with the world literally burning to the ground, there’s very little energy to even want to go out and create connection and conversation. 


Lately, the million-dollar question in all the Zoom groups that I either lead or partake in, is “will we ever feel normal again?”


That’s a loaded question.


Because at the end of the day, what is normal?


Normal is whatever feels good to you. 


And even though I am a homebody, I know it’s time to start connecting in a different way. One can only hide behind their device screens for so long before one starts to feel invisible. 


So, a few weeks ago, I challenged those around me to find one or two ways to step outside of the comfort of familiarity and start to engage and connect with a new group of people. 


Most of these meetings are still via...

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#108 How to preach what you do!

The other day I was working with a client on her messaging. She is rebooting her career after a little hiatus and I asked her a super simple question;


“What do you want?”


Simple right?


By the end of the conversation, she understood the importance of sharing with the world who she is, what she does, and her basic desire as a creative, career-driven business builder. 


But how do you do that without showing up on social media pointing ridiculously in the air while trying to get your message across?


I hate that shit and if you are in my sphere, this is not the first time you have heard me express my disdain for those obnoxious posts. 


There are lots of ways to highlight your value but at the end of the day, most of us(you) maybe feel a bit invisible. 


You already know that you are good at your craft. The challenge lies in letting others in on that fabulous secret.


So, in helping her, I was curious and...

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#107 Say NO to goals + YES to productivity

If you have been hanging out with me for a while you probably know by now, that I am a certifiable, obsessed systems girl.


 I have systems to:

run my business

keep my family nourished and fed

help others create the life they desire

prioritize and organize with a solid strategy


Let me ask you something. Do you feel distracted, pulled in a million directions, or frustrated? Only asking because I have been there. Until I developed really good systems as well as habits and rituals around those systems, I was saying YES to everyone around me. In realizing that by saying yes to them, I was in fact saying NO to myself. That was the ah-ha I needed so that I could stop whining and close the gap on who and where I wanted to be. 


I didn’t completely say F-You to everyone around me. That would have served no one. Instead, I carved out time in my calendar for myself, like actual real-time and commitments. And no matter how sexy the offer was to cancel on...

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#106 Your Mid - Year Pick Me Up!

Can you believe that we are officially at the halfway point in 2022?


And if you feel as though you may have lost your way between January and now, I get it.


Why I know this about you is because I talk to a lot of people and the one common denominator is time. Or the excuses of time.


"I am too busy"

"There are not enough hours in the day"

"Everyone demands my attention"


Blah, blah, blah.


But the truth is, you do have enough time, you are just not prioritizing it in a way that is allowing you to make the time. And I am here to help you not only realize it but offer you a few guidelines to help you create it.


Today's three tips might be just the thing you need to get back on track!


Tip #1

Create your action plan. Your action plan is what you want to do and accomplish by the end of the year. The key to getting there is thinking and planning big. You will see what is possible as you progress through your milestones and tasks.


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#105 What you see is what you get!

Are you showing us all of you?


I don’t mean like ALL of you, mostly, what you show us in that 600 x 600-pixel image.


The ones that might be seen on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

The pictures I see, the events you’re sharing, the pie you’re eating…you can’t sit here and tell me you are that happy all the time?


Being someone who had to:


Overcome cancer - not once but three times

While at the same time suffering from a torn ligament and cyst on their left hip (4 weeks away from hip replacement surgery)

Pivot financially, psychologically, and geographically - circumstances were just not on our side

Be the sole caretaker of one 89-year-old mother


I have not had many “Instagramable” smiley moments to share. Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been all doom and gloom. I truly learned who my people are. Those that showed up did so in a HUGE way and because of that, I have gotten more honest with...

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