In a recent Shopify survey of 1532 parents (62% = mothers), one in six indicated that they are very interested in entrepreneurship.
That’s a lot of women running around like a chicken with their heads cut off. A.K.A. not knowing how or where to start.
If I was in a room with them, I would encourage each and every one of them to start by using free resources like LinkedIn.
In this episode of Get Your Shit Together, I share the value of LinkedIn and why it’s not just a place for professionals. I also share a success story of a client who updated her LinkedIn profile and received two paid consulting gigs within 48 hours. This transformation proves the value of the platform.
LinkedIn is not just a place to share your resume. It’s also a place to virtually network, highlight your backstory, upload your offers, programs, and services, and get your people to “recommend” you which is no different than a testimonial or case study on one’s website.
Do you find that it's so much easier to talk yourself into all the things that you didn't do rather than reflect on the little actions you did do?
The constant noise and conversations in your head can get the best of you.
But this past year, surviving brain cancer, hip replacement surgery, pivots in my business, and tiny failures, I made a choice to work on changing that narrative.
I started with an exercise that I give to my clients and also share on my website (for free). However, because I had already spent the month of December outlining my intentions for 2023, instead I took some time to reflect on "what was" over the past year.
Here's what I uncovered:
survived brain surgery and am currently cancer free,
rebranded and got clear on where I want my focus to be
committed to a 4-day work week
automated my services, programs, and website, and am mastering the art of passive income
learned to be okay with receiving and asking...
Want to work and collaborate together, {{ first_name }}, in 2023?
I know you have big dreams for the coming year and my question to you is, have you started building that roadmap yet?
If the answer is NO, I have an inkling as to why...'re already overwhelmed at the thought of it
...burnout in 2022 has been so profound that you are questioning "is it worth it" doubt that you have the confidence or the bandwidth to endure another year
I get it! I get it because those that I am already collaborating with a feel all of the above and so much more. And to be totally transparent, there were moments in 2022 when I felt it in a huge way.
The truth is, {{ first_name }}, building a business and the life that you want (and deserve) in your 50's(and 60's) doesn't have to SUCK!
There's a way to do it without feeling so isolated and alone. The past two + years have amplified the loneliness and one of the ways...
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