"Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan. There is no other route to success."

020 How to build your own recipe to success


Do you remember the game, follow the leader?


I can almost see my 7-year-old self, marching in a line, following every move that the "leader" was telling me to do.

When I started to scale my business and add digital products, group experiences, and outside opportunities, I spent a lot of time listening and following those that have done it before me.


Because they had been financially successful( or so they say), I thought that they had all the answers. The truth is, I already had all the answers inside of me but didn't see them or have the confidence to believe them. It took me a while to follow my gut and when I did, that's when everything shifted.


I am privileged to be able to talk to lots of people who are either simply thinking about an idea, expanding what they already have, or starting from scratch and I have learned, that there is no one formula, blueprint, or recipe for how one gets to where they want to go.


In this week's podcast episode, I will...

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012 The Power in the Pause: Taking time to Rest, Review, + Reflect


When was the last time you reviewed your vision for success? Every now and then, we take a pause to reflect, review and re-evaluate the seasons in our life. Just like this podcast, I had to take a break because of the significant events that happened in my life.

But now, it's back!

In this episode, I share the reason why I took a break from creating, marketing, and scaling my business, as well as the lessons I learned in the power of rest. I also share an exercise that helps me to move fast and recognize how I want to show up for myself and my business in the future.

Here are some show highlights:

[02:32]. Receiving is not an easy act for me to embrace. At my core, I am the caregiver, and feeding others is my love language. Being comfortable with allowing others to take the wheel wasn't easy, but when I leaned into it, it got easier, and it was a huge lesson in both grace and gratitude.

[03:05] A pause from creating marketing, promoting this podcast, and ultimately growing...

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