In my community, the topic of “self-love” comes up a lot.
As women of what I like to call the “what’s next generation,” who crave life beyond ambition, struggle to feel worthy and deserving of this. These feelings of not being enough didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.
They have been buried for a long time. Due to certain life circumstances; empty nesting, change in relationship status(divorce/death), and or examining one’s legacy and the “what’s my purpose” question - women our age are in a state of rediscovering who they are.
In this week’s episode, I talk to Gina Leago, an x-trial lawyer, turned spiritual psychologist, who shares her story of trauma, resilience, and the importance of self-love. She dives deep into examining our triggers, and identifying them so everyone has a chance to move toward healing and growth.
As moms, daughters, sisters, and strong women,...
Women in their 50s are coming to terms with their mortality, and their legacy, and thinking about “what do I want to be when I grow up?”
Have you ever found yourself uttering these words inside your head:
What's truly in my heart?
What's my purpose?
Is there more for me?
What's next, if in fact anything?
So many of you have made decisions that didn’t always put you first. And because of that, you are redefining life as you knew it.
And because of that, you are feeling a bit stuck, maybe a little lost, and questioning if is there Life Beyond Ambition.
If you are at a crossroads and struggling with your life’s purpose, today's episode is for you.
I will be sharing with you how to identify your inner voice, share what you already know, and how you can monetize your mission.
Being a part of this exclusive club, what I like to call “the what’s next generation,” is a special place to be. You have raised...
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