#101 Does Your Clutter Have Clutter?

3 quick tips blog systems May 29, 2022

Today, many of you may be celebrating Memorial Day and the kick-off of summer with a traditional backyard party, surrounded by friends, the smell of coals burning on the BBQ, and a seasonal fruit tart.

But for others, myself included, you might be recovering from this past week with a bit of sadness, grief, and hopelessness. It’s hard to celebrate the future when the present feels so bleak.

Picking yourself up to tackle your to-do list and go on with your day can be challenging. And I know for myself and those that I surround myself with, overcoming those challenges seems to be getting harder and harder.

If it weren’t for my small but powerful community, I am not really sure that I could have gotten through this past week. Our weekly zoom calls might seem trivial with what has transpired over the past several months(Ukraine, women’s rights, Buffalo, Texas, etc.), but not feeling so alone in our feelings has become a comfort that I look forward to and quite frankly need.

When I get an email from Julie that she freed up about 6 GB of storage on her google drive by purging her photos or when Birgitta purged her inbox from 16,597 emails down to 7,828, it shows me that when you can come together as a group, small actions create big accomplishments.

I know this might sound frivolous and mundane but when you can find ways to focus on a task and prioritize the little things, it can help drown out the noise and the sorrow of the world around you.

Because at the end of the day, the one thing you can do is take control of what you do, how you do it, and ultimately how you feel doing it. It’s easy to stay under the covers. And I allowed myself to do that for a few days. But when you can pick yourself back up and tackle what’s in front of you, it gives you not only the motivation but the momentum to keep going. 

I hope today’s tips can help you focus on the simpler things rather than the noise and the world around us.

Tip #1

Did you know your physical environment impacts your work and productivity? That includes your computer’s filing cabinet (or what Heather in my Tech Talk group likes to call the librarian). I have FINALLY created a filing system similar to a Library Cataloging system. As I declutter, organize and purge my digital space, I am using the same system for all categories of my life. It took a long to time to come up with something that was both utilitarian and intuitive and I have to say it’s life-changing.


Tip #2

If you are an online digital marketer (like me), then I bet you have lots of ideas for your already existing ideas. And I can also bet you have multiple versions of the same document, asset, and final version of that product you are creating. Being guilty of this in the past, I kept multiple versions of everything. The confusion of what came first or last was crippling. I suggest you come up with a way to easily file your ideas, drafts, inspiration, research, and final versions of that project. Once you are happy with the end result, start purging those older files that are no longer needed.


Tip #3

How long has it been since you have actually looked inside your physical filing cabinets? I thought so. As part of my Sunday afternoon decluttering and purging exercise, I have started going through those outdated pieces of paper. Do I really need hard copies of invoices from clients from 2017? Nope! Do you know how good it feels to fill up my blue recycling bin? Liberating!!! I challenge you to sift through those old file drawers and see what you find. Block out 2 hours on any given day, turn up the music and purge away!!


If this has motivated you to start to merge and purge like Julie, Birgitta, and Heather, you might want to sign up for my weekly emails. You will get 3 tips in your inbox, every Monday. Sound interesting? Head on over to the home page here, scroll to the bottom and sign up! I'd love to have you in our community


P.S. I am posting some of my favorite tips on Instagram. For a sneak peek into what we will be doing, follow me over there. 


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