015 The Art Of Redesigning Your To-Do List


Do you have a lot of items on your to-do list?

One of the most effective ways of being productive and staying organized is by systematizing your tasks and to-do list. My friend and client, Laurey, used to have a 7-page (back and front) bible of notes until I helped her redesign it.


In today's episode, Laurey Bennett-Levy is our client spotlight. She's an artist, philanthropist, mentor, and all-around amazing human. Working together over the past 7 years, I have seen both the highs and lows of growing her artistic career.

During our conversation, Laurey shares how her life and career changed over the years and how each phase has led her to reignite her passion for creating art. But being an artist is not her only strength.


She knows how to bring people together and because of her generous spirit, she shares her knowledge and expertise in her 300+ member community. She also talks candidly about how she built a business in her 50s.


Here are a few key takeaways.

๐Ÿ“ How her graphic design background helped her market her art career
๐Ÿ“ Why now is the time to focus on herself
๐Ÿ“ How it's not easy being 50 in a 30-year-old world
๐Ÿ“ Learning to not be afraid of her to-do list and instead look at it as a piece of art
๐Ÿ“ How my systems helped her get both productive and organized

You can listen to the full episode here.


If you haven't done so already, I would love for you to follow the podcast. I am always adding lots of bonus worksheets ad templates to various episodes. And when you get there, please support it by downloading it, subscribing to it, ad sharing it with your people.

Lastly, I host a free workshop every month where you can grab some of the tools I use to help those like Laurey "get shit done." Grab your seat here!


Have a great week!



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