#130 Building or rebuilding a business in your 50s doesn't have to SUCK!


Do you find that it's so much easier to talk yourself into all the things that you didn't do rather than reflect on the little actions you did do?

The constant noise and conversations in your head can get the best of you.

But this past year, surviving brain cancer, hip replacement surgery, pivots in my business, and tiny failures, I made a choice to work on changing that narrative.

I started with an exercise that I give to my clients and also share on my website (for free). However, because I had already spent the month of December outlining my intentions for 2023, instead I took some time to reflect on "what was" over the past year.

Here's what I uncovered:

✨ survived brain surgery and am currently cancer free,

✨ rebranded and got clear on where I want my focus to be

✨ committed to a 4-day work week

✨ automated my services, programs, and website, and am mastering the art of passive income

✨ learned to be okay with receiving and asking for help

✨ stepped outside of the box and added business (income) drivers to my platform

✨ relaunched my podcast after a 16-month break

✨ hired a health coach

✨ back to walking 8k-10k steps a day due to a successful hip replacement surgery

✨ started a collaboration with one of my creative contractors

✨ revised my food product, FRESS, as a way to give back to charities I am passionate about

That's a lot of good stuff! Wouldn't you agree?

If you haven't started to reflect on what was so that you can realign with what could be, my three tips today might help push you in that direction:

Tip #1

Reflect. Set yourself up in a quiet place, pen in hand and a comforting beverage, and start writing down all the good that came your way in the past year.

Tip #2

Pick one word for 2023 that will help you paint the picture and build the roadmap for the coming year.

Tip #3

Focus on what was rather than what wasn't. You can always work on your shortcomings. For now, wrap yourself in your accomplishments.

I am a firm believer that it is all in baby steps also something I refer to as the details.

Because you and I both know, that reframing, rebuilding, or even starting something new in your 50s doesn't have to SUCK!

I have learned firsthand that reidentifying can be challenging and most of the time really hard. But when I started aligning myself with others who were doing the exact same thing, creating and scaling became way more fun!

So, in 2023, I plan on focusing on the following:

👉🏻 more community
👉🏻 more connection
👉🏻 more conversations 

With the relaunch of my podcast, I will be sharing these tips in a very different way. My guests, clients as well as I will be telling you personal stories of past failures and present wisdom. Each week we will get curious, amplify the conversation, and inspire action. The first episode coming soon so stay tuned for more info on that.

For now, if there is something in particular that you want to know or learn about, hit reply to this email and tell me what you need.

That's it for today. Have a great week! And if you got something to say or ask, email me, I am ready to start the conversation!


"The goal is the vision. The system is the roadmap."

P.S. If you are digging these three tips, you can get them in your inbox each week. Sign up here.





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